

The main areas of curriculum focus are as follows:

  • Game design: The game industry engages in the development of online games, interactive technology applications, and mobile entertainment applications, and has an increasing demand for game designers, art designers, and somatosensory interactive technology designers. We cooperate with industry to train game designers with these highly sought-after skills.
  • Multimedia animation: Based on the needs of the industry, we employ faculty with expertise in both information technology and design, to cultivate students with abilities in hand drawing and design, digital content, 2D & 3D visual effects, and video post-production. Students apply virtual reality technology to produce high-quality virtual reality tours to meet the needs of the culture and creativity industry and the digital content industry.
  • Interactive technology: There is a strong trend in the industry toward the development of multi-interactive modes of engagement, which require the integration of audio soundtrack production, ergonomics and HCI interactive devices, mobile user interface design, mobile game design, and mobile APP design. Future innovative services and applications will require the integration of creativity and the development of cross-platform devices, areas which are dealt with in this section of the curriculum.
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