Zhi-Yuan Su,Tzuyin Wu(2006), "Multifractal analyses of music sequences." Physica D, 221, 2. (SCI,)
Wang, Yeng-Tseng, Cheng, Cheng-Lung, Shih, Yu-Ching, Kan, Heng-Chuan, Chen, Chang-Hung, Hu, Jeu-Jiun(2007), "Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Binding Interaction between Hormone Glucagon Protein and Self-assembled Monolayer Molecules." Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 25, 8. (SCI,)
Zhi-Yuan Su, Tzuyin Wu(2007), "Music Walk, Fractal Geometry in Music." PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS, 380, 0. (SCI,)
Zhi-Yuan Su, Chuan-Chen Wang, Tzuyin Wu, Yeng-Tseng Wang, Feng-Cheng Tang(2008), "Instantaneous frequency-time analysis of physiology signals: The application of pregnant women's radial artery pulse signals." Physica A, 387, 2-3. (SCI)
Zhi-Yuan Su, Tzuyin Wu, Po-Hua Yang, Yeng-Tseng Wang(2008), "Dynamic analysis of heartbeat rate signals of epileptics using multi-dimensional phase space reconstruction approach." Physica A, 387, 10. (SCI)
Yeng-Tseng Wang, Jun-Min Liao, Cheng-Lung Chen, Zhi-Yuan Su, Chang-Hung Cheng, Jeu-Jiun Hu(2008), "Potential of mean force for human lysozyme-camelid vhh hl6 antibody interaction studies." Chemical Physics Letters, 455, 4-6. (SCI)
Zhi-Yuan Su, Tzuyin Wu, Yeng-Tseng Wang, Hsin-Yi Huang(2008), "An investigation into the linear and nonlinear correlation of two music walk sequences." Physica D, 237, 13. (SCI)
Z. Y Su, C. T Liu, H. P. Chang, C. H. Li, K. J. Huang, P.C. Sui(2008), "A numerical investigation of the effects of compression force on PEM fuel cell performance." Journal of Power Source, 183, 1. (SCI)
呂麗戎、盛夢徽、楊美雪、蘇致遠(2008), "護理人員採用面對面學習與遠距學習於專業能力進階課程之成效與滿意度差異." 安泰醫護雜誌, 14, 2. (其他)
Yeng-Tseng Wang, Zhi-Yuan Su, Jun-Min Liao, Cheng-Lung Chen(2009), "Potential of mean force for Syrian hamster prion epitope protein - Monoclonal fab 3f4 antibody interaction studies." European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 44, 9. (SCI)
Zhi-Yuan Su, Tzuyin Wu, Shu-Yin Wang(2009), "Local scaling and multifractal spectrum analyses of DNA sequences - GenBank data analysis." Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 40, 4. (SCI)
Zhi-Yuan Su, Yeng-Tseng Wang(2009), "A Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Human Lysozyme Camelid VHH HL6 Antibody System." International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 10, 4. (SCI)
Zhi-Yuan Su, Yeng-Tseng Wang(2009), "An Investigation into the Multifractal Characteristics of the TAIEX Stock Exchange Index in Taiwan." Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 54, 4. (SCI)
Zhi-Yuan Su, Yeng-Tseng Wang, Hsin-Yi Huang(2009), "A Multifractal Detrended Fluctuation Analysis of Taiwan's Stock Exchange." Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 54, 4. (SCI)
Tzuyin Wu, Lieh-Jung Chang, Shu-Yin Wang, Zhi-Yuan Su, Yeng-Tseng Wang(2009), "Nonlinear Analysis of the Estrous-cycle Time Series in Mice." Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 55, 4. (SCI)
林美馨、劉川綱、盛夢徽、蘇致遠(2009), "護理能力進階課程數位教材錄製經驗之個案研究." 安泰醫護雜誌, 15, 1. (其他)
Yeng-Tseng Wang, Chen-hsiung Chan*, Zhi-Yuan Su, Cheng-Lung Chen(2010), "Homology modeling, docking, and molecular dynamics reveal HR1039 as a potent inhibitor of 2009 A(H1N1) influenza neuraminidase." Biophysical Chemistry, 147, 1-2. (SCI)
Yeng-Tseng Wang, Zhi-Yuan Su, Chang-Huain Hsieh, Cheng-Lung Chen(2009), "Predictions of Binding for Dopamine D2 Receptor Antagonists by the SIE Method." Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 49, 10. (SCI)
Yeng-Tseng Wang, Zhi-Yuan Su, Cheng-Lung Chen(2009), "Potential of mean force of the hepatitis C virus core protein–monoclonal 19D9D6 antibody interaction." Biophysical Chemistry, 145, 2-3. (SCI)
Man-Ling Chen, Zhi-Yuan Su, Teng-Yen Wu, Tien-Yu Shieh, Chi-Hui Chiang(2010), "Influence of Dentistry Students’ e-Learning Satisfaction: A Questionnaire Survey." Journal of Medical Systems, 0, 0. (SCI)
Li-Jung Leu, Hsueh-Chih Liao, I-Chiu Chang, Zhi-Yuan Su(2010), "Applying Non-synchronized E-learning to the Nursing Clinical Ladder System." Journal of Medical Systems, 34, 5. (SCI)
Zhi-Yuan Su, Yeng-Tseng Wang(2011), "Coarse-grained Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Cobra Cytotoxin A3 Interactions with a Lipid Bilayer: Penetration of Loops into Membranes." The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 115, 5. (SCI)
Mei-Te Lee, Zhi-Yuan Su, Ying-Hui Hou, Hsueh-Chih Liao, Jenn-Dong Lian(2011), "A decision support system for diagnosis related groups coding." Expert Systems With Applications, 38, 4. (SCI)
Yeng-Tseng Wang, Zhi-Yuan Su(2011), "Modelling and predicting the binding mechanics of HIV P1053-0.5b antibody complex." Molecular Simulation, 37, 2. (SCI)
Yeng-Tseng Wang, Zhi-Yuan Su(2011), "Free energies and folding mechanics between human prion fragment alpha 2 domain and beta 2 domain under steered molecular dynamics simulations." Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 42, 5. (SCI)
Yeng-Tseng Wang, Wen-Jay Lee, Zhi-Yuan Su, Cheng-Lung Chen(2011), "Carbon-nanotube-based Artificial Peptide Channel: Transportation of Small Peptide Under External Electric Field Force." Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 42, 5. (SCI)
Zhi-Yuan Su, Wen-Jay Lee, Wan-Sheng Su, Yeng-Tseng Wang(2012), "Target Molecular Simulations of RecA Family Protein Filaments." International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 13, 6. (SCI)
Man-Ling Chen, Zhi-Yuan Su, Chia-Lun Lo, Chiung-Hsuan Chiu, Ya-Han Hu, Tien-Yu Shieh(2013), "An empirical study on the factors influencing the turnover intention of dentists in hospitals in Taiwan." Journal of Dental Sciences, 無, 無. (SCI)
Y.W. Hung, S.C. Hsu, Z.Y. Su, H.H. Huan(2014), "Countering User Risk in Information System Development Projects." International Journal of Information Management, 無, 無. (SSCI)
Zhi-Yuan Su(2014), "Ibalizumab-Human CD4 Receptor Interaction: A Computational Alanine Scanning Molecular Dynamics Studies." Current Computer-Aided Drug Design, 10, 3. (SCI)
Chia Lun Lo, Zhi Yuan Su(2018), "Developing Multiple Evaluation Frameworks in an Older Adults Care Information System Project: A Case Study from Taiwan." Journal of Aging and Long-Term Care, 1, 1. (其他)
Sheng-Kai Yang, Ya-Ming Shiue, Zhi-Yuan Su, I-Hsien Liu, Chuan-Gang Liu(2020), "An Authentication Information Exchange Scheme in WSN for IoT Applications." IEEE Access, 0, 8. (SCI)
Yi-Wen Liao, Zhi-Yuan Su, Chiung-Wei Huang, Rustam Shadiev(2019), "The Influence of Environmental, Social, and Personal Factors on the Usage of the App “Environment Info Push”." Sustainability, 11, 21. (SCI)
JUNG-SHIAN LI, I-HSIEN LIU, CHIN-JUI TSAI, ZHI-YUAN SU, CHU-FEN LI, CHUAN-GANG LIU(2020), "Secure Content-Based Image Retrieval in the Cloud With Key Confidentiality." IEEE Access, 0, 0. (SCI)
Wesley Huang, Zhi-Yuan Su, Chia-Sui Wang, Mark Yeh, Jyh-Horng Chou(2022), "Graphite Classification of Gray Cast Iron in Metallographic via A Deep Learning Approach." Journal of Internet Technology, 23, 4. (SCI)
Guan-Yu Lin, Yi-Wen Liao, Zhi-Yuan Su, Yu-Min Wang, Yi-Shun Wang(2023), "What drives undergraduates’ effort and persistence in learning programming." Education and Information Technologies, 28, 3. (SSCI)
Zhi-Yuan Su, I-Hsien Liu, Chu-Fen Li, Chuan-Kang Liu, Chi-Hui Chiang(2024), "Enhancing Robustness within the Collaborative Federated Learning Framework: A Novel Grouping Algorithmfor Edge Clients." Applied Sciences, 14, 8. (SCI)
Chi-Hui Chiang, Zhi-Yuan Su, Chu-Fen Li, I-Hsien Liu, Chuan-Kang Liu(2024), "Enhancing Emotional Stability and Mental Comfort in Older Adults through a Nostalgic VR Game: A Technology Acceptance Model Analysis." Sustainability, 16, 18. (SCI)
Wu, T., Su, Z.-Y., Wang, S.-Y.(2003), "Multifractal and Local Scaling Analyses of Nucleotide Sequences in DNA." 中國機械工程學會第二十屆全國學術研討會, 台北, 中華民國.
Su, Z.-Y., Wu, T., Wang, S.-Y.(2004), "Local Scaling Analysis of Nucleotide Sequences in DNA-GenBank Data Analysis." 中國機械工程學會第二十一屆全國學術研討會, 中華民國, 高雄.
蘇致遠, 伍次寅(2004), "音樂序列之多重碎形特性分析." 中國機械工程學會第二十一屆全國學術研討會, 高雄, 中華民國.
馮建忠, 蘇致遠, 伍次寅, 王傳禎, 王淑音(2005), "使用虛擬壓縮性法數值模擬脈衝流於非等截徑彈性管中之流場." 第十二屆全國計算流體力學學術研討會, 高雄, 中華民國.
蘇致遠, 黃心怡(2005), "Hurst指數及美國股票上市公司股價時間序列之碎形結構-使用軟體CDA." 第三屆流通與全球運籌論文研討會, 台中, 中華民國.
蘇致遠, 王傳禎, 伍次寅, 王淑音(2005), "使用碎形分析老鼠之迷宮行走行為序列." 中國機械工程學會第二十二屆全國學術研討會, 中壢, 中華民國.
鄭翰鴻, 蘇致遠, 伍次寅, 王傳禎, 王淑音(2005), "癲癇患者心跳生理訊號之非線性動力學分析." 第二十九屆中華民國力學學會暨全國力學會議, 新竹, 中華民國.
Zhi-Yuan Su, Po-Hua Yang(2009), "An Preliminary Simulation of the Battery System for Further Use on the Electric Powered Wheelchair." 2009 CACS International Automatic Control Conference, 台北, 中華民國.
Chuan-Gang Liu, Zhi-Yuan Su(2009), "An Optical Circuit-based Switching Architecture with Destination Number Control in Broadband Optical Ring Access Networks." 2009資訊科技國際研討會, 台中, 中華民國.
林美馨,盛夢徽,劉川綱,蘇致遠(2009), "護理人員專業能力進階課程之數位教材製作經驗分享." 2009第四屆國際健康資訊管理研討會, 台中, 中華民國.
Yen, R.-H., Ma, H.-K., Wu, C.-H., Tan, L.-K., Su, Z.-Y.(1999), "Improvement of the Flow Distribution in the Curved Duct." Ninth National Conference on Combustion Science and Technology and the Workshop on Thermal-Fluid Science Program of National Science Council, 台南, 中華民國.
Wu, T., Lin, H.-I., Su, Z.-Y., Ferng, C.-C.(2000), "Music Walk: Correlation and Fractal Geometry in Music." 中國機械工程學會第十七屆全國學術研討會, 高雄, 中華民國.
Hsin-Yi Huang, Zhi-Yuan Su(2007), "Credit-Risk Term Structure of Interest Rate: Application on Put Option and Cap." 第十三屆資訊管理暨實務研討會, 高雄, 中華民國.
楊博華, 林奇鋒, 陳昶宏, 蘇俊吉, 蘇致遠(2007), "表面聲波濾波器因應系統模擬需要的簡化模型." 智慧型系統工程應用研討會, 台南, 中華民國.
呂麗戎, 張怡秋, 盛夢徽, 蘇致遠(2008), "護理人員非同步網路進階學習成效與滿意度之研究-以高雄某區域醫院為例." 2008第三屆國際健康資訊管理研討會, 台南, 中華民國.
蘇致遠, 楊博華(2005), "不同初始結構計算方法獲得之匹玆凡物鏡設計結果比較." OPT 2005台灣光電科技研討會暨國科會光電學門研究成果發表會, 台南, 中華民國.
蘇致遠,林政彥,陳韋翔(2010), "老人行動秘書:使用雲端技術Google Calender, Google apps與SMS簡訊." 第五屆國際健康資訊管理研討會, 台南, 台灣.
蔡崇煒,陳瑞樂,楊竹星,蘇致遠,陸海林(2011), "以浮點數樣式縮減演算法解決蛋白質-配體對接問題." 第十七屆資訊管理暨實務研討會, 台南, 台灣.
陳建州,蘇致遠,李婉禎,黃聖哲(2011), "以即時回饋教學系統提升糖尿病人衛教成效." 第十七屆資訊管理暨實務研討會, 台南, 台灣.
洪偉強,徐士傑,洪郁雯,蘇致遠(2011), "了解使用者如何在不同型態的醫院資訊系統開發專案中實現價值共創." 第十七屆資訊管理暨實務研討會, 台南, 台灣.
江啟惠,蘇致遠,郭蒼哲,林鈺龍(2012), "生理感測器在即時健康照護資訊系統之應用." 2012第七屆國際健康資訊管理研討會, 台南, 台灣.
江啟惠、蘇致遠、林慧雯(2012), "下一代研發專案管理系統與決策支援之建置、設計與實作." 2012第十八屆資訊管理暨實務研討會, 台北, 台灣.
江啟惠、蘇致遠、林慧雯(2013), "下一代研發專案管理系統使用意圖之研究." 2013第廿四屆國際資訊管理學術研討會, 新北市, 台灣.
江啟惠.蘇致遠,王焰增,吳秀櫻,翁相擇(2014), "整合企業資訊入口網站、QR code 及APP 之平台開發與實際導入." 2014 年第二十五屆國際資訊管理學術研討會, 台中, 台灣.
江啟惠,蘇致遠,王焰增,廖奕雯,劉軒銘(2014), "整合企業資訊入口網站、QR code 及APP 之平台開發與實際導入." TANET2014台灣網際網路研討會, 高雄, 中華民國.
Chuan-Gang Liu,Ya-Ming Shiue,Zhi Yuan Su (2015), "An Efficient Authentication and Key Agreement Scheme for a Burst of Accesses Scenario in WSN." NCWIA2015第五屆網路智能與應用研討會, 宜蘭, 臺灣.
Min-Chai Hsieh,HaoChiang Lin,Zhi-Yuan Su(2015), "Evaluation of Students Acceptance of Augmented Reality Assisted English Learning." NCWIA2015第五屆網路智能與應用研討會, 宜蘭, 臺灣.
蘇致遠 劉致中 王嘉穗 郭玴華 許淑芬(2016), "電子書整合式教學平台開發及其在衛教之應用." 第11屆國際健康資訊管理研討會, 台南, 台灣.
蘇致遠 江啟惠 劉川綱 許茗仁 謝曉慈(2016), "中醫學養生保健 APP 開發." 第11屆國際健康資訊管理研討會, 台南, 台灣.
廖奕雯 蘇致遠 李柏昕 劉建緯(2016), "電視媒體內容與人際關係對青少年生活及學習狀況的影響和省思." 第二十七屆國際資訊管理學術研討會, 台中, 台灣.
Yi-Wen Liao, Chia-Sui Wang, Yong-Ming Huang, Zhi-Yuan Su(2016), "Building a Facebook Embedded Picture Book Design Learning Platform and Understanding its use Intentions." 20th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2016), 嘉義, 台灣.
Yi-Wen Liao, Zhi-Yuan Su(2016), "Investigating the influence of consumers’ green awareness and lifestyle on green consumption behavior." Asian Conference on Civil, Material and Environmental Sciences, 札幌市, 日本.
I-Hsien Liu, Chuan-Gang Liu, Kun-Hsuan Liu, Shun-Hsiung Yu, Zhi-Yuan Su and Jung-Shian Li(2016), "Distributed Node Scheduling Algorithms for Multiple Group Communications in Wireless Multi-hop Networks." 12th EAI International Conference (QSHINE 2016) on Heterogeneous Networking for Quality, Reliability, Security and Robustness, 首爾, 韓國.
廖奕雯 蘇致遠(2016), "數位遊戲之數學教材與注意力訓練對學習成效之影響: 以國小高年級數學課程為例." TANET 2016 臺灣網際網路研討會, 花蓮, 台灣.
廖奕雯 蘇致遠 劉建緯(2016), "探討開源硬體與程式語言軟體結合之教學對程式設計學習之影響." 第二十二屆資訊管理暨實務研討會, 台南, 台灣.
謝愛家,蘇致遠,劉川綱,江啟惠,劉奕賢,劉大哲(2017), "未來民生用途之無線感測網路下感測節點攻擊之研究與探討." 2017 Cyberspace聯合研討會, 台北, 中華民國.
廖奕雯,蘇致遠,郭育成,藍暐翔(2017), "探討競爭式合作策略及線上協同程式編輯平台於程式設計課程之研究." 第28屆國際資訊管理學術研討會, 台北, 中華民國.
江啟惠,蘇致遠,劉忠峰,鍾雅雯(2017), "高齡者互動遊戲介入休閒活動之使用意圖探討." 2017 IMP 第廿三屆資訊管理暨實務研討會, 苗栗, 中華民國.
蘇致遠,江啟惠,劉川綱,林佳君(2018), "激勵式慢跑健康管理App開發與分析." 2018年第十三屆國際健康資訊管理研討會, 花蓮, 中華民國.
Chi-Hui Chiang, Zhi-Yuan Su(2018), "Use Interactive VR Games as a Leisure Activity." 2018 International Conference on Information Technology and Applied Sciences, 台南, 中華民國.
陳月英、陳秋蘭、施美份、蘇致遠、陳怡(2019), "結合反毒機器人競賽以提升年輕學子藥物濫用防制知能." 108年台灣藥學會年會暨學術研討會, 台北, 中華民國.
Chiung-Wei Huang, Zhi-Yuan Su, Chia-Sui Wang(2019), "An Innovative Education for Medical and Health Care: A Case Study of a Small-town." 2019 IEEE Eurasia Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Healthcare and Sustainability(IEEE ECBIOS 2019), 沖繩, 日本.
Sheng-Kai Yang, Ya-Ming Shiue, Zhi-Yuan Su, Chuan-Gang Liu(2019), "A Novel Authentication Scheme against node captured attack in WSN for healthcare." 2019 IEEE Eurasia Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Healthcare and Sustainability(IEEE ECBIOS 2019), 沖繩, 日本.
Chiung-Wei Huang, Zhi-Yuan Su(2019), "Common Chronic Illnesses of the Elderly: An Analysis of a Retired Doctor’s Perspectives." 2019 IEEE Eurasia Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Healthcare and Sustainability(IEEE ECBIOS 2019), 沖繩, 日本.
Yi-Wen Liao, Chiung-Wei Huang, Zhi-Yuan Su(2019), "Exploring the Effects of Third-party Logins on Consumer’s Online Shopping Behavior." 2019 International Conference on Intelligent Computing and its Emerging Applications (ICEA), 台南, 中華民國.
Yi-Wen Liao, Chiung-Wei Huang, Zhi-Yuan Su(2019), "An Explorative Study on Online and Offline Interpersonal Relationship." 2019 International Conference on Intelligent Computing and its Emerging Applications (ICEA), 台南, 中華民國.
Yi-Wen Liao, Chiung-Wei Huang, Zhi-Yuan Su(2019), "The Influence of Viewing Behavior and Interpersonal Relationship on Teenagers' Violent Tendency and Perception of Happiness." 2019 International Conference on Intelligent Computing and its Emerging Applications (ICEA), 台南, 中華民國.
Sheng-Kai Yang, Ya-Ming Shiue, I-Hsien Liu, Zhi-Yuan Su, Chuan-Gang Liu(2019), "Performance analysis of Authentication Information exchange Scheme in WSN." 2019 International Conference on Intelligent Computing and its Emerging Applications (ICEA), 台南, 中華民國.
Zhi-Yuan Su, Wei-Neng Huang, Wei-Chih Hsu, Lin-Yu Huang(2020), "Research on the Robustness of Natural Health Products for Authenticity Identification: A Case Study of Pu'er tea." 2nd IEEE Eurasia Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Healthcare and Sustainability 2020, 台南, 中華民國.
蘇致遠,江啟惠,柳霈甄,陳囿臻(2020), "建置銀髮族互動諮詢平台." 2020 第十五屆國際健康資訊管理研討會(UHIMA 2020), 臺南, 中華民國.
Pao-Yuan Chao, Wei Neng Huang, Zhi-Yuan Su, Yih-Feng Chang(2020), "A Value-added Platform of Intelligent Home-care Management of Elderly for Improving Work Willingness of Home-care workers." 2020 International Conference on Intelligent Computing and its Emerging Applications (ICEA 2020), Gangwon-Province, 韓國.
Wesley Huang, Zhi-Yuan Su, Chia-Sui Wang, Yih-Feng Chang, Mark Yeh and Jyh-Horng Chou(2020), "Graphite Classification of Gray Cast Iron in Metallographic via a Deep Learning Approach." 2020 International Conference on Intelligent Computing and its Emerging Applications (ICEA 2020), Gangwon-Province, 韓國.
Kuo-Mou Chung, Zhi-Yuan Su, Ya-Ming Shiue, Chuan-Gang Liu, Wesley Huang, Yu-Chih Hsiao(2021), "To Develop an Interactive Healthcare Platform for the Community Care Center." 3rd IEEE Eurasia Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Healthcare and Sustainability 2021, 臺南, 中華民國.
Zhi-Yuan Su, Wesley Huang, Te-Hsun Liu, Fu-Chieh Tsai , Yun-Ting Chiu(2021), "Using the Smart Micro-greenhouse Cultivation System to Cultivate Plants." 3rd IEEE Eurasia Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Healthcare and Sustainability 2021, 臺南, 中華民國.
蘇致遠,陳建明,邱筠婷,蔡富傑,劉德勳(2021), "以智慧微溫室栽培系統進行食農教育活動促進食的安全." 第十六屆國際健康資訊管理研討會, 臺中, 中華民國.
王四切、蘇致遠、許宮銓、陳冠宇、李竹瑄(2022), "Preliminary research on the development of digital health education teaching aids." 第二十七屆國際資訊管理暨實務研討會, 臺南, 中華民國.
Eric Kin-Lap Lee, Pei-Yi Lin, Wesley Huang, Zhi-Yuan S(2022), "Intelligent System for Decision-Making in Hospital Pharmacy." 4thIEEE Eurasia Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Healthcare and Sustainability 2022, 臺南, 中華民國.
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